Celebrate Recovery offers a person the opportunity to participate in a group fellowship where love and hope combine with God’s purpose to mend our lives. Ask yourself:
  • Are there things in my life that I do that hurt others?
  • Is there something I wish I could live without?
  • Is it time to address my denial and admit I am not in control of my life?
  • Do I have a painful habit or hang-up from which I need to be freed?
If you answered “yes” to any of these statements then we urge you to attend a Celebrate Recovery meeting to see if it is for you. Everyone is welcome, even if OBC isn't your home church.
Yes, Celebrate Recovery maintains strict confidentiality. This promotes an atmosphere of trust and enables recovery.
We have a saying that is repeated in every Large Group meeting :
WHO you see here, WHAT you hear here, WHEN you leave here STAYS HERE.
We are diligent about confidentiality and anonymity. The guidelines and rules protect all of us from judgment. In our safe place, you can be real and honest without fear. You are 100% in control of when and how much you participate.
A wide variety of hurts, hang ups and habits are represented at Celebrate Recovery. Examples include low self-esteem, depression, anger, co-dependency, fear of rejection, fear of abandonment, dependency on alcohol or drugs, pornography, low self-esteem, a need to control others and situations, perfectionism, broken relationships, abuse, and more. 


Celebrate Recovery meets every Sunday Evening with a meal and lesson at 5:00pm. 


To find Celebrate Recovery, park on the left side of the church building. You will see a CR sign and friendly faces there to greet you.