Our church is now fully incorporated and operating in Costa Rica under the name Asociación Iglesia Bautista Nuevo Amanecer. The church is located in the town of San Gerardo de Los Chiles, a small town about 15 miles northeast of Los Chiles.
We have had several baptisms, and several people have come to the feet of our Lord Jesus. God has blessed us with a healthy children's program, a great youth program, as well as other ministries such as music ministry, (several children, teenagers, and adults are learning to play guitar to form a worship team). God has also sent us a worship team formed of young people. Other ministries we have are: a Bible study group and a sewing ministry. Thank you for praying for New Dawn Baptist Church! We would love to see you come serve with us on a short-term mission team. To God be the Glory!
At OBC, we believe prayer makes a difference. We are committed to the power of prayer and encourage you to pray for the Ochoas regularly.
Ways to Pray:
Moving to another country and planting a church takes money, and we want to help the Ochoas as much as we can while they serve faithfully in Costa Rica.
If you want to give financially to further the Kingdom in Costa Rica, just select Ochoa Church Plant when you go to give.
OBC, along with Victor and Sonia, are so excited to be planting our first church in Costa Rica! Pastor Steve sat down with Victor and Sonia to talk about their heart behind this project.
Victor Ochoa and his wife, Sonia, have been faithful members of OBC for years and have served in multiple capacities. Just recently after taking several mission trips to Costa Rica, God called them to permanently move and plant a church in Los Chiles, Costa Rica.
After years of prayer, preparation, and waiting, the process finally began early 2021. New Dawn Baptist Church now exists as an OBC church plant with continued support from our home campus in the U.S.
Victor and Sonia are very excited for this new season in their lives. Their prayer for New Dawn Baptist Church is that the love of Jesus would not only impact Los Chiles, but reach across all of Costa Rica.