Imagine the impact if every Christian had ONE person they prayed for and shared the gospel with. Who are you committing to pray for? Who's your NEXT one?

A 3-week teaching series: September 15 - September 29

During this series, we’re asking you to:

1) Pray about who your one is and look for God to show you.

2) Pray for your one every day.

3) Bring Jesus into the conversation with your one.

4) Bring your one to church with you (Forever Changed is the perfect opportunity!).

Forever matters. Are you ready?

On October 6-8, we're having a 4-service event called Forever Changed: From Death To Life! With 3 guest speakers and a Night Of Worship, we hope you'll invite someone who needs to hear that Jesus gives us hope!

Download these images and invite your ONE to come with you!