Blended Blessings
Leaders: Ted & Jenny Webster / Brandon & Taylor Amburn
Point of contact: Taylor Amburn (336) 524-3619
If you are in a blended family or you are engaged or thinking about marriage and blending two families this is the group for you. This new small group will use the Ron Deal series The Smart Stepfamily to generate discussion and learn from everyone in the group while keeping Jesus as the priority.
Description of the Material: When stepfamily life gets tough, remaining dedicated to your commitment is a day-to-day decision. In this 8-part series, Ron Deal gives couples the seven fundamental steps to blended family success and provides practical, realistic solutions to the issues you face as a stepfamily. Discover useable solutions for everyday living, practical tips for raising step kids, and ways to strengthen the couple's marriage.
This series combines instruction and encouragement that affirms both husbands and wives and their intent to build strong families. Whether married or soon-to-be married, you’ll discover how to communicate effectively and solve the everyday puzzles of stepchildren relationships.